Poisoned Imperial eagle found in Slovakia
Exchanging LIFE projects experiences in Bulgaria
New member joined Czech PannonEagle field unit
Dramatic finale - Fallen tree and two nestlings rescued!
Brutal persecution of raptors in the Czech Republic continues
Dead Red Kite in the Eferding district shown to have been poisoned with pesticide carbuforan
In early May, wild animals were attacked with poison in Stroheim (Eferding district, Upper Austria). A number of poisoned rabbits’ heads and poisoned chicken eggs were positioned at the edge of a gravel pit. One Red Kite died. The investigation’s result now shows that the pesticide carbuforan was used.
Poisoned White-tailed Eagle near Sanad saved and released
Wed, 12/04/2017
Poisoning of raptors in Serbia is not halted! The newest proof for that is the most recent case which has ended positively thanks to prompt reaction of conservationists of PannonEagle project and volunteers. Exhausted adult White-tailed Eagle was found near Sanad (in north Banat) early in the morning on 6 April by local hunting ground manager Ljubiša Oluški. The bird was located in the field, showing visible symptoms of poisoning.
BirdLife Austria and WWF join forces to fight for the protection of Imperial Eagle and co.
In Central Europe, the main cause of death for raptors is human persecution. Even strictly protected and highly threatened species such as the Imperial Eagle are regularly shot or poisoned. With the “PannonEagle LIFE Project”, BirdLife Austria and WWF as well as a number of national and international partners aim to reduce illegal persecution of Imperial Eagle and other affected raptor species.
Life and death of OSLI, the young imperial eagle
Wed, 29/03/2017
"Osli" - named after the region where he hatched – fledged from a nest lying near the Austrian-Hungarian border last year. Together with four other imperial eagle nestlings it was tagged in the frame of an Austrian-Hungarian cooperation last summer (Technisches Büro für Biologie - Mag. Dr. Rainer Raab, the Fertő-Hanság National Park Directorate and MME/BirdLife Hungary).