CSO took part in the training of criminal police specialists

The director of the Czech Society for Ornithology Zdeněk Vermouzek, together with the Pannon Eagle Life dog handler Klára Hlubocká and the representative of the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic, Arnošt Cetkovský, participated in the regular training of criminal police specialists.
The currently running PannonEagle Life Anti-Violence Campaign, as well as the valuable experience of the previous Helicon Life project, have been presented to the criminologists by project manager Márton Horváth from Hungary. Representatives of the Czech Society for Ornithology have used meeting to familiarize policemen with bird crime issues and to agree on common practices. Klára Hluboká then showed to policemen how she is searching for poisoned baits and their victims with her specially trained dogs.
This meeting is an important step in the protection of birds and has served to both the transmission of information between CSO and environmental criminologists, as well as the establishment of personal contacts that will be useful in future investigations.
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