Common buzzard was poisoned by rodenticide in Czechia

In April the poisoned common buzzard was found near Vraclav in Ústí nad Orlicí region in Czechia. The analysis confirmed poisoning by Stutox II, rodenticide made for killing especially common voles.
Klára Hlubocká, the dog handler in the Czech Society for Ornithology found tens poisoned commons voles nearby and also a many granules of rodenticide Stutox II. The analysis confirmed that the common buzzard was poisoned by these granules.
"The common buzzard had poisoned voles in its stomach and esophagus," said Hlubocká.
The poisoned common buzzard is the second bird killed by Stutox this year in Czechia. In April CSO also found poisoned pheasant near Světnov in Žďár nad Sázavou region. The analysis also confirmed poisoning by Stutox II.
Last year tens of hares; pheasants and also white storks were poisoned by Stutox II in Czechia.