Another eagle poisoning happened

Another eagle poisoning happened
March 2011.
After being brooded by its parents for 40 days, it hatches out of the egg in the Gemenc flood plain.
22. May 2011.
Attila Mórocz, a ranger of the Danube-Drava National Park is ringing the healthy nestlings.
8. February 2013.
After 10 years’ attempts I shot really well the lives of white-tailed Eagles from my own hide in the Pusztaszer Landscape Area for the first time. Although ringed birds are not my favourite models, I often photograph them for data acquisition reasons. The shot in the middle was taken that day, when the bird was chased by a Caspian Gull.
1. December 2016.
The carcasses of three White-tailed Eagles were found by the body of a fox perished earlier outside the boundaries of the village of Pincehely, within the jurisdiction of the Danube-Drava National Park Directorate. One of the birds is the same as the one you can see in two of the earlier images.
Culling of fox stock by authorized means is legally permitted in Hungary. No poison shall be administered, and there are good reasons for this regulation.
Some poisons are so dangerous that after the animal eating the poisoned food perishes, the animals consuming its carcass also die. 0.5% of White-tailed Eagles nesting in Hungary were destroyed by this very case.
It takes 4 – 5 years for the White-tailed Eagle’s adult plumage to grow and become sexually mature. This would have been the first winter it had been able to start nesting. The White-tailed Eagle is a specially protected bird, with an intrinsic value of 3300 EUR.
Source: Bence Máté's Facebook site