3rd Eagle Day – Saturday 14 January, 2017, Jászberény-Négyszállás

Tue, 10/01/2017
Core event of the 14th National Eagle Census, the 3rd Eagle Day will be organized and held in the Jászság Eagle Centre and its partner institutions between 9-15h on 14 January, 2017.
Date: 9.00-15.00 hours, 14 January (Saturday), 2017
Place Eagle Centre, Négyszállás Tanya, Jászberény
7km from Jászberény next to the road between Jászberény-Jászárokszállás (coordinates: 47.5563 – 19.9320).
Public transportation
Buses between Jászberény and Jászárokszállás stop at the so-called Négyszállási bus stop. The Eagle Centre is located 450 m toward Jászberény from here.
The first 50 visitors receive a gift!
Time-bound programs in the Eagle Centre:
- 9.00 - 9.40 Walking along the Bird Educational Trail with professional guidance – Showcasing nest-boxes, and providing information about their tenants.
- 10.00 - 10.30 Interactive demonstration with birds of prey in hand.
- 10.40 - 12.00 Guided ‘Eagle watching’ tour – releasing satellite-tagged Imperial Eagles together with the Optik-Med Eagle Eye Clinic. 1.5 km long guided tour to the hacking site, where the eagles can be viewed as they are released back to the wild.
- 13.00 - 14.20 Guided tour to present the Imperial Eagle Nature Trail – walking the 2.2 long trail and see –with a bit of luck- some eagles around the feeding site.
- 13.30 - 13.45 Press conference – a new chapter starts in the fight against eagle poisoning (Helicon Life and Pannon Eagle Life project).
- 13.50 - 14.20 Interactive demonstration with raptors in hand.
- 14.30 – 14.50 Presentation about mYnest, its application, nature photography and how to build a heated bird water drinker.
Continuous programs in the Eagle Centre:
- Catching and ringing songbirds with mist-net and raptors with Dho-Gazza.
- Riding horse carts to a nearby Imperial Eagle territory (leaving every half hour).
- Chirping playhouse (in the heated exhibition room) – Wooden puzzles, memory games, colouring books for children 3-14 years old. Games in relation to imperial eagles: investigate the dangers threatening eagles, bird-friendly agricultural practice and prey species of the Imperial Eagle. Exhibition: eagle tree (phylogenetic tree of birds of prey).
- Short movies about the Imperial Eagle (heated exhibition room).
- Making bird cakes - Making winter food supply for songbirds using suet and mixed seeds.
- Construction of nest-boxes – assemble wooden boxes from prefabricated pieces and recycled materials.
- mYnest – nature photography playground, Nádland Ltd. toys: presents to those who give correct answers to questions found in the mYnest application, bird-related word games, contests and memory games.
- Playground.
Enjoy yourselves and acquire new knowledge and support MME’s raptor protection actions by participating in the programmes:
- You may ride a horse cart to an Imperial Eagle territory for 300 forints.
- You may make bird food for a donation of 400 forints.
- You may make a bird feeder for a donation of 1000 forints.
- You may receive an Eagle Gift Package containing a gym bag, a children’s story book, a mug and a pin for a donation of 3000 forints.
Since most of the events will be held outdoors, therefore, we advise you to prepare your clothing accordingly.
We are welcoming visitors with warm tea and sandwiches.
All programmes depend on weather conditions, therefore, cart riding may be cancelled due to extreme cold or slippery roads!
Visiting the Eagle Centre is free of charge!
Accompanying programmes:
Jászberény Zoo:
- 9:00-16:00 Exhibition about the conservation of the Imperial Eagle. Entrance fee: 1000 Ft/person
Mátra Museum:
- 9:00-16:45 Natural history permanent exhibition, local history, mineralogical and fossils exhibitions.
The first 50 families visiting the Eagle Centre will receive a free family ticket to the Museum for 14 January, 2017!
Programme of the Hortobágyi National Park Directorate:
- Kecskés puszta 9:00-12:00 During a pleasant walk in the steppe we reach to a spot regularly used by wintering eagles. We will use spotting scopes to get an insight into their daily lives.
- Hortobágyi Wildlife Park 10:00-17:00 Visitors can observe eagles and other species of birds of prey in the park from up close.
To find out more about entrance fees and other details follow the link provided: http://www.hnp.hu/hu/szervezeti-egyseg/turizmus/753/hortobagyi-sasnap
Everybody is warmly invited to attend to our programmes!
The event is organized within the framework of the “PannonEagle Life” funded by EU LIFE Nature.