We had a successful 5th Eagle Day in the Eagle Centre

More than 200 visitors were interested in the 5th Eagle Day, that was organized by BirdLife Hungary/MME and its partner instituion, the Hortobágy Nemzeti Park Directorate. The even was held in the Eagle Centre near Jászberény.
The visitors could participate in several interesting programs. They met Falco, the first poison detection dog in Hungary, who showed everyone his special skills. After his show people could get to know his less serious side.
Falco, working hard and playing hard. (Photo: Márton Horváth )
The staff of the Eagle Centre introduced some of the permanent and temporary inhabitants of the voliers, inculding an imperial eagle, white-tailed eagle, eagle owl, kestrel, long-eared owl and a tawny owl.
The visitors could see these birds from close up and discover the otherwise hidden details of the plumage (Photo: Márton Horváth ).
The visitors could take an organized walk on the nature trail around the Eagle Centre, during the walk all appearing raptors were counted as the Eagle Day coincided with the 16th National Eagle Census. In the area 6 enthusiastic teams were participating in the census, who constatly reported all the eagles seen on the field, so the visitors in the Eagle Centre could follow the numbers and species observed. 14 imperial eagles and 4 white-tailed eagles were counted in the vicinity of the Eagle Centre. The summary of the Eagle Census will follow shortly.
The visitors and the field staff were kept warm with tea and sandwiches (Photo: Márton Horváth ).
Tibor Juhász, Borbás Zsuzsanna, Horváth Márton