PannonEagle Steering Committee Meeting

The Czech Ministry of Environment (MZP_CZ) hosted the annual Steering Committee Meeting in Mikulov (South Moravia) on 18.10.2018. The agenda of meeting was prepared in coordination of MME/BirdLife Hungary, MZP_CZ and CSO.
After short introduction by Mr. Jan Sima, MZP_CZ, Director of Department of Species Protection and Implementation of International Commitments, the meeting summarised project achievements and problems and outlined main tasks for rest of 2018 and 2019.
Assembly of representatives of all participating countries (Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Serbia and Slovakia) continued with Project Coordination Meeting chaired by coordinating beneficiary – MME. The progress of the project was extensively discussed action by action with the following main points:
· Bird crime reporting, TOTEM database (Action C1)
· Population monitoring methodology (Action D1)
· Discussion on major delays (Action A3 & E1)
· Project budget – short wrap-up and discussion on possible changes
Slovak partners briefed participants with their ideas for 2019 Steering Committee Meeting to be held in Slovakia.
The participants were lucky enough to visit an imperial eagle nesting territory near to the confluence of Morava and Dyje (Thaya) rivers, we are grateful for the field trip to David Horal from the Czech Society for Ornithology .